Understanding The Program

We honor the innate, curiosity driven exploration, that children possess. Through play and hands on learning, we strive to cultivate meaningful experiences. This allows students to investigate topics of interest and learn from their peers in an environment which is thoughtfully designed to encourage wonder, imagination and exploration.

What We Provide

We offer a project based learning approach for students in mixed age environments. Our guides cultivate meaningful opportunities for students to navigate and develop their own learning abilities all while being aware of state learning standards.

Children are given the freedom to make creative choices in their learning and can work individually or in groups. Free choice allow for discovery and nurturing of each students’ natural curiosity. Through this process, students develop discipline, increased concentration, and confidence. Improved long-term retention is also achieved by focused and peer-based problem solving.

Daily Schedule Sample

8:15 am—8:30 am Drop off 8:30 am—8:45 am Morning greeting
8:45 am—9:15 am Whole group meeting
9:15 am—10:00 am Language Arts
10:00 am—10:45 am Snack & Outdoor Play
10:45 am—11:30 am Math & Science
11:30 am—12:10 pm Lunch
12:10 pm—12:30 pm Reading
12:30 pm—1:45 pm Social Studies/Art/Engineering
1:45 pm—2:00 pm End of Day Class